I'm Attorney Amber Jade F. Johnson and here's some suggestions for five things to do when you retire.
The first is to update or get a health care surrogate, a living will and a durable power of attorney. These are the three documents that we use if you become incapacitated and somebody needs to make decisions for you. For example, they need to make a health care decision for you or they need to be able to pay your bills or handle your bank accounts.
The second is to update your will or get a will if you haven't gotten one before now. And you also need to go to an attorney and find out if you need a revocable trust. So discuss a will versus a revocable trust. Not everyone needs a revocable trust, but your attorney can help guide you to see if it's a good solution for you.
The third thing is to talk to a financial planner and analyze your cashflow budget every five years until you're 100. This is so that you can have what I call plan A, B, C and D. Plan A is we are healthy and happy until the day we drop dead, and that's how we all want it to happen. But the truth is most of the time it doesn't work out that way. Plan B is you get a little bit sick so you're going to need to spend some money on a caregiver, maybe, some help in your name. Plan C is you get a lot sick. You're going to need significant care. Plan D is you need to go to a nursing home. You need to talk to a financial planner about these different stages and to help you analyze what your cashflow needs will be so that if it does happen to you, plan B, C or D, it's not nearly as scary because you've already planned for it.
Number 4. Keep or get an umbrella policy on your automobiles. Because older drivers have the same problems as teenage drivers. It doesn't matter, everyone thinks it's your fault if you get into an accident. And you have significant assets to protect. So keep an umbrella policy on your automobiles.
And number 5, prepay your funeral arrangements. I know this sounds a little strange, but it is an extremely loving thing to do for your family to prepay your funeral arrangements because it is hard to do that when you- it's hard to do a funeral arrangement when you are grieving.
Here's a bonus: write down these passwords. I know everyone tells you not to do it, but if you pass away, we need to be able to get to your online accounts many times and without a password, it leaves the family in a position where they are just stuck. And it costs a lot of money to be able to fix that problem-